Our services

The goal of EMG-METALL Kft. is to satisfy the needs and expectations of its clients and partners to the maximum possible extent through its activities and services. Quality control that covers every detail and its documentation - for our suppliers also - play a crucial role in our activities. Communication with our clients and partners is a key priority for us.


From design to the finished product. If you only have an idea of what you would like, our colleagues will assist you.

Our creative colleagues with decades of experience in the area of sheet metal working await your ideas to which they will deliver solutions within a short deadline. All our work processes are supported by modern equipment and computing background. Our modern and economic production processes are served by our qualified colleagues and cutting-edge design software based on electronic data exchange.

Production planning

Our integrated business management system enables the precise definition of processes already in the quote phase, during which we examine the viability of production based on the available documentation.

We then draw up a detailed fabrication plan and identify necessary materials and commercial items, which allows us to offer considerably shorter delivery deadlines for orders.

Sheet metal parts
Sheet metal part production in small- to medium-sized lots

Our production processes are monitored using an integrated business management software, which enables the documentation and traceability of parts from the quote stage up until delivery. Up-to-date registers of our needs of materials and commercial items make purchasing more programmable. Barcoded worksheets allow us to monitor our production processes in real time.

MSZ EN ISO 9001:2009

When do not compromise on quality. Accordingly, we select our suppliers with great care and monitor them continuously. With their assistance, we can also offer the following finishing processes:

  • - galvanisation
  • - eloxation
  • - chromate conversion
  • - screen printing
  • - sanding.
Product assembly

In order to ensure the most comprehensive cooperation possible, we also offer the mechanical assembly of products.

Whether talking about screw fastenings, riveting, or complete assembly, small- or medium-sized lots, your sheet metal products are in good hands with us.

Our experienced colleagues will prepare the carefully crafted products for assembly with the required accuracy and carry out the final touches, in order to leave you with more time.

Packaging and shipping

The careful packaging of the finished products ensures that our partners receive them safe and sound. Packaging options include simple palletisation as well as barcoded custom unit boxes. Following assembly, shipping represents the last step in our processes.

We possess our own transport vehicles but can also arrange shipping as needed. Whether you need direct shipments or LCL shipping, we will find the method that is the most convenient for you.


Examples of our sheet metal products

Műszerdoboz Rack panel Konzol Előlap Ipari PC ház Ipari PC ház Szerelőkeret Beszerelőkeret Profil lemez Profil lemez Rack kiegészítő Rack kiegészítő Lemeztartó Lemez konzolok Lemezrögzítés Lemezrögzítés Keret Tartószerelvény Lemez előlap Tartószerelvény Lemeztartó Lemeztartó Rack panel Rack panel alkatrész Rack panel alkatrészei Rack panel alkatrészei Rögzítő konzol Rögzítő konzol Tartó szerelvények Tartó szerelvények Tartó szerelvények Tartó szerelvények Készre szerelt lemezdoboz Lemezdoboz Forgácsolás Forgácsolás tartószerkezet Forgácsolás menetvágás Forgácsolás CNC megmunkálás Forgácsolás CNC tartószerkezet Forgácsolás CNC menetvágás Marás CNC marógép

About us


  • New sheet metal processing machine
  • Environmental development



  • Sheet metal cabinets
  • Sheet metal elements
  • Rack cabinets, parts
  • Control panels
  • Consoles
  • Boxes
  • Parts

Follow us


2120 Dunakeszi, Repülőtéri út 1. Hungary Phone:   +36 27 341-017
Fax:   +36 27 390-215
E-mail: info@emgmetall.hu

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