Powder coating of metal surfaces

Time is money. Our clients demand ever shorter delivery deadlines. Our business management system has allowed us to optimise our production and material purchasing processes, which in turn has led to a reduction of costs and the ability to serve our partners more flexibly. Certain work processes, however, - for which we employ subcontractors - remain beyond our control.

Powder coating was one such process. In light of the expectations of our clients a new powder coating installation was added to our machine park this year. The objective of this investment was to reduce lead times for production and be able to satisfy immediate powder coating needs of our clients also. We can undertake the powder coating of the parts and units manufactured by us, in our customary excellent quality. The guarantees of quality are our colleagues with years of experience and, naturally, the excellent quality of the powder paint used. We do not compromise on quality, which is why the Swiss IGP company is our exclusive powder paint supplier. The material used are certified conformant with the RoHS 2011/65/EU directive.
The material used are certified conformant with the RoHS 2011/65/EU directive.

Powder coating using duplex technology in Dunakeszi

Powder-coated pieces are produced using three main processes. Pre-treatment takes place in the first block. The pre-treatment technology used before painting is suitable for the high-quality preparation of all metal surfaces used in practice, including stainless steel of various quality grades and non-ferrous metals. Treatment is carried out using a so-called duplex technology, which combines the benefits of traditional phosphate layers with those of modern zirconium/silane-based conversion coats. Depending on the quality of the raw metal, pre-treatment will guarantee 500-1000 hours of resistance to salt spray for the powder coat.

The second step of powder coating is the application of powder paint, whose grains are transported using added electrical charge and air as a carrier to the surface, to which they adhere due to the grounding of the latter. In the third phase, following its control, the powder coat applied is cured in a convection oven of an appropriate temperature. The powder coat hardens on the surface of the workpiece, giving it a decorative finish and ensuring the durable protection of the metal product.

Powder coating work phases

  • - Degreasing – iron phosphating
  • - 1st rinse with tap water
  • - 2nd rinse with ion-exchanged water
  • - Passivation using conversion
  • - Water evaporation
  • - Manual application of powder paint
  • - Curing in convection oven

Maximum workpiece dimensions for powder coating:

- lenght: 2.500 mm,
- width: 800 mm,
- height: 1.500 mm,
- wheight: 120 kg

Powder coating work phases in pictures

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2120 Dunakeszi, Repülőtéri út 1. Hungary Phone:   +36 27 341-017
Fax:   +36 27 390-215
E-mail: info@emgmetall.hu

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