Our company has undergone massive changes since its foundation in December 1996 . The diversity of our clients and products set us considerable challenges, which we strive to meet. The continuous development of our machine park and technologies is a must. The aging press brake and punching machine we started with provided a good starting point, but today they would no longer be suitable for competitive production of excellent quality that satisfies the expectations of our clients. Recognising this, we have invested the majority of our resources in development.
Conscious planning has allowed us to modernise our production and introduce new technologies. We have gradually introduced our most modern laser cutting service, using which we produce laser-cut parts from various sheet materials for our partners. The goal of our enterprise is to become a renowned company in Hungary that also maximally satisfies its clients. During our activities we strive to produce machined sheet metal in excellent quality, even with short deadlines.
We continuously train our professionals in order to service the needs of our technology and of our partners.
Naturally, we did not forget to develop our infrastructure, either. Due to our rapidly expanding machine park our shopfloor became too cramped, which caused us serious difficulty and made further expansion and development impossible. Re-organisation could remedy this temporarily, but was not a viable solution in the long run.
It was important to us to make progress in this area also, on account of customer expectations and the reputation of the company, as well. In 2014 we purchased a building. Following its complete refurbishment and conversion according to our needs, our production area increased by approx. 1000m2
Our continuous development necessitates an environment and working conditions that better serve our requirements for sheet metal working. In order to meet the needs of our expansion and our subsequent orders for sheet metal working we have also started to modernise our existing production hall.
Over the past years the feedback from our clients has confirmed our efforts: our sheet metal working and shipments have become more accurate and precise. This has given us extra strength for starting the conversion of the new hall.
Powder coating used to be one of our outsourced work processes. In light of demand from our clients, in 2016 we expanded our machine park with a new, complex powder coating installation.
With this investment we set ourselves the goal of further reducing lead times necessary for production, so that we can also satisfy immediate powder coating needs of our clients. We can undertake the powder coating of the parts and units manufactured by us, in our customary excellent quality.
For details see our powder coating page.